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Clasă înregistrată “Intense Cardio Corkout” cu Ovidiu

60.00 lei

Antrenament cardio intens, care integrează toate grupele musculare.


Antrenament cardio intens, care integrează toate grupele musculare.

Informații suplimentare


60 de minute

Metodă de Participare

Clasă înregistrată

Nivel dificultate



30 de zile


    positive review  Karuna’s yoga classes left me quite impressed. The classes are suitable for different levels of difficulty and classes like Yoga for the spine are really helpful for some of us struggling with spine problems. The classes I took were well presented and accurately executed by Ovidiu Atanasiu, a passionate and a vivid trainer with really good teaching skills. I am thankful for discovering Karuna Studio and I definately recommend it.

    Liz Joy Avatar Liz Joy
    31 iulie 2021

    positive review  Ovidiu, classes, positive energy🙏

    Pascu Georgiana Avatar Pascu Georgiana
    21 martie 2021

    positive review  Really cool exercise/yoga flows and emphasis on correctly doing them!

    Cristina Buturugă Avatar Cristina Buturugă
    28 februarie 2021

    positive review  Top trainers, great exercises and the most important- correctly done! Well Done Ovidiu and Karuna Team!

    Oana Müller Petrescu Avatar Oana Müller Petrescu
    13 februarie 2021